
When Madeleine was born and I got to stay home I learned that I really like to cook.  I love to look for new recipes and test them out on unsuspecting friends.   However, if I could make a different batch of chocolate chip cookies everyday I would be in heaven.  To combat my baking habits I enjoy working out, mainly Pilates and running.   Adam and I try to be pretty healthy most of the time but we are both suckers for chocolate chip cookies, he'll eat all the dough and I like them gooey right out of the oven.  I'm lucky to have some great girlfriends here to team up with at the park, or have craft days or play in the little pool or anything else to keep our kids entertained and happy.  The summer time makes me happy.  I like to feel warm and I like to be outside.

A book I highly recommend is:Pride & Prejudice
A movie I watch over and over is:Love Actually
A T.V. show I watch regularly is:The Bachelor
I love to collect:beach glass and cake plates
My favorite thing to buy is:clothes for Maddy and home decor
A smell that makes me pause is:fresh baked chocolate chip cookies
My favorite sport to watch is:soccer
My favorite restaurant is:Mai Thais
A moment when I achieved absolute happiness was:When our children were sealed to us in the temple
The music I listen to most is:indie
My earliest memory is:playing "R.V." with my sisters in the back yard
My favorite flower is:peony
A game I like to play is:scrabble
My favorite hobby is:Bike rides with kids, baking, running, Pilates, decorating, shopping, creative projects, going for walks, spending time with my family, projects around the house, reading
A singer or band I currently listen to the most is:Lorde
My favorite quote is:Never supress a generous thought
I drive a:VW Eurovan
If my house was burning down and I could only rescue three things, they would be:our dogs, laptop(pictures), shoes
The city I would most like to visit is:New York
My favorite meal is:French toast and orange juice
Someone or something that made me laugh this week was:watching Maddy and Anders play the Wii, they get serious
My first paying job was:Blockbuster Video
The memory that still makes me laugh is:Playing "band" at the beach with my sisters and friends on our daddy/daughter campouts
My best birthday was:24th, Adam spoiled me
A smell that reminds me of my childhood is:Fresh baked bread
My favorite color to wear is:cobalt blue
My strangest possession is:too many cake plates
My favorite dessert is:cookies
When I exercise, I like to:sweat
My favorite thing to do on a date is:Go to the movies and a nice dinner with Adam since we hardly ever get to do that anymore.  He's a good shopper so it's also fun to just bum around.
The best vacation I ever had was:A girls only trip to NYC, no kids, lots of shopping and walking!
The best thing about being married is:Having someone on my side.
The thing I am most passionate about is:my family
When we lived in Hawaii this was my favorite house. Blue door and blue shutters, plus it sits right on the beach.